1) Introduction
The Wave_ID is the standard function of Nyquest 32-bit MCU based NX1 series. It consists of TX & RX parts that operate near ultrasonic frequency band, around 16KHz ~ 20KHz carrier, to transmit and receive commands between iDevices and NX1-based toys via speaker and microphone, respectively. In this way, interactivity could be implemented via wireless communication without additional cost for recording and playback toys.
2) Description
Ø IC body: NX1 series
Ø VDD: 2.4V ~ 5.5V
Ø Carrier frequency: 16KHz ~ 20KHz
Ø No. of Commands: 38
Ø Format: Nyquest proprietary
Ø Simple to use: high-level programming language, the Q-Code, supported in addition to C programming.
n WaveID_RX_On
n WaveID_RX_Off
n WaveID_RX
n WaveID_TX
For more information, please contact fae@nyquest.com.tw.